Friday, 22 August 2014

What I Already Know - The Elton-Walters/Wetherick Line

Again, I knew little about this line of my family. My Nan, Marcelle, died when I was five-years-old. I can vaguely remember her but as I only saw her a few times a year, the memories are limited. I knew that she originally came from the Isle of Wight. I also knew that one of her brothers had lived in Brading as I had been there to visit once when I was a child.

Again, I assumed the unusual surname would help here but it actually turned out to be a hindrance. I could easily find my Nan and her siblings as well as a death for their father, Joseph Edward ELTON-WALTERS, but Grandpa Joe wasn't so easy to find after that. I eventually managed to find him under Joseph Walters, which made me wonder where the double-barreled name came from, especially when I found his mother's maiden name wasn't ELTON. Despite having found the census records for the family it took a while to figure out. I will post more on this and how I solved it another time as it was quite complicated but essentially it came down to Joseph's parents not being married. He obviously at some point decided to use both surnames.

How Joseph ended up with his wife, Lucy WETHERICK, who was from the Isle of Wight when he grew up in Lancashire is the next thing I'd like to try to find out.

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